.. archery documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed May 16 19:22:05 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. * Source : https://github.com/jul/archery * Tickets : https://github.com/jul/archery/issues?state=open * Latest documentation : http://archery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html What is archery? ================ It is set of Mixins to use on MutableMapping giving the following features : - Linear Algebrae; - Vector like metrics; - Searchable behaviour; for convenience 3 concrete classes are provided : - `mdict`_ (dict that follow the rules of linear algebrae based on dict); - `vdict`_ (dict that have cos, abs, dot product); - `sdict`_ (dict that are easily searchable); following this inheritance graph of traits Graph ***** .. graphviz:: digraph G { node [ shape=box ]; splines=ortho; subgraph cluster_0 { label = "Copier"; style=line; color=puprle; Copier; } subgraph cluster_1 { label = "LinearAlgebrae"; style=line; color=green; Adder -> Muler [label = "a+.+a (n) = a * n"]; Muler -> Suber [label = "a-n = a * -n "]; Suber -> Diver [label = "a/n = a * 1/n" ]; } Copier -> Adder [label = "generic deepcopy"]; subgraph cluster_2 { Dot -> Abs -> Cos; style=line; label = "Vector"; color=blue; } Copier -> Dot; Muler -> Dot; subgraph cluster_3 { label = "Searchable"; color = red; iter [ label = "__iter__"]; iter -> search ; } Copier -> iter; Diver -> mdict [label = "concrete class dict" ]; Cos -> vdict [label = "concrete class dict" ]; search -> sdict [label = "concrete class dict" ]; } Basic Usage =========== Using the ready to use class derived from dict mdict ***** **dict that supports consistently all the linear algebrae properties** Basically : dict that are vectors on arbitrary basis (recursively). To learn more about its use and implementation: - `Video presentation in FOSDEM 2017 `_ - `or look at the presentation `_ ex:: >>> from archery import mdict >>> point = mdict(x=1, y=1, z=1) >>> point2 = mdict(x=1, y=-1) >>> print( (2 * point + point2)/4) >>> # OUT : {'y': 0.25, 'x': 0.75, 'z': 0.5} >>> print(point - point2) >>> # OUT : {'y': 2, 'x': 0, 'z': 1} >>> b=mdict(x=2, z=-1) >>> a=mdict(x=1, y=2.0) >>> a+b >>> # OUT: {'y': 2.0, 'x': 3, 'z': -1} >>> b-a >>> # OUT: {'y': -2.0, 'x': 1, 'z': -1} >>> -(a-b) >>> # OUT: {'y': -2.0, 'x': 1, 'z': -1} >>> a+1 >>> # OUT: {'y': 3.0, 'x': 2} >>> -1-a >>> # OUT: {'y': -3.0, 'x': -2} >>> a*b >>> # OUT: {'x': 2} >>> a/b >>> # OUT: {'x': 0} >>> 1.0*a/b >>> # OUT: {'x': 0.5} vdict ***** dict that defines *abs()*, *dot()*, *cos()* in the euclidean meaning ex:: >>> from archery import vdict as Point >>> >>> u = Point(x=1, y=1) >>> v = Point(x=1, y=0) >>> u.cos(v) >>> 0.7071067811865475 >>> u.dot(v) >>> # OUT: 1 >>> u.cos(2*v) >>> # OUT: 0.7071067811865475 >>> u.dot(2*v) >>> #OUT: 2 >>> abs(u) >>> #OUT: 1.4142135623730951 >>> u3 = Point(x=1, y=1, z=2) >>> u4 = Point(x=1, y=3, z=4) >>> u3 + u4 >>> #OUT: dict(x=2, y=4, z=6) >>> assert u4 + u4 == 2*u4 >>> from archery import vdict >>> from math import acos, pi >>> point = vdict(x=1, y=1, z=1) >>> point2 = vdict(x=1, y=-1) >>> point2 = mdict(x=1, y=-1) >>> print( (2 * point + point2)/4) >>> # OUT : {'y': 0.25, 'x': 0.75, 'z': 0.5} >>> print(acos(vdict(x=1,y=0).cos(vdict(x=1, y=1)))*360/2/pi) >>> # OUT : 45.0 >>> print(abs(vdict(x=1, y=1))) >>> # OUT : 1.41421356237 >>> print(vdict(x=1,y=0,z=3).dot(vdict(x=1, y=1, z=-1))) >>> #OUT -2 sdict ***** dict made for searching value/keys/`Path`_ with special interests. Basically, it returns an interator in the form of a tuple being all the keys and the value. It is a neat trick, if you combine it with `make_from_path`_, it helps select exactly what you want in a dict:: >>> from archery import sdict, make_from_path >>> tree = sdict( ... a = 1, ... b = dict( ... c = 3.0, ... d = dict(e=True) ... ), ... point = dict( x=1, y=1, z=0), ... ) >>> list(tree.leaf_search(lambda x: type(x) is float )) >>> #Out: [3.0] >>> res = list(tree.search(lambda x: ("point") in x )) >>> ## equivalent to list(tree.search(lambda x: Path(x).contains("point"))) >>> print(res) >>> #Out: [('point', 'y', 1), ('point', 'x', 1), ('point', 'z', 0)] >>> make_from_path(dict(), res) >>> # {('point', 'y', 1): {('point', 'x', 1): ('point', 'z', 0)}} Advanced usage ============== This library is a proof of the consistent use of Mixins on `MutableMapping `_ gives the property seen in the basic usage. The Mixins do not require any specifics regarding the implementation and **should** work if I did my job properly with any kinds of *MutableMapping*. Here is an example of a cosine similarities out of the box on the *Collections.Counter* :: >>> from collections import Counter >>> from archery import VectorDict >>> class CWCos(VectorDict, Counter): ... pass >>> >>> CWCos(["mot", "wut", "wut", "bla"]).cos(CWCos(["mot","wut", "bla"])) >>> # OUT: 0.942809041582 You can also inherit LinearAlgebrae API === VectorDict / vdict ****************** .. autoclass:: archery.trait.Vector :members: dot, __abs__, cos Searchable, sdict ***************** .. autoclass:: archery.trait.Searchable :members: search, leaf_search Path **** Basically a class meant for making search in `sdict`_ more readable so that you have shortcuts that are more meaningfull than manipulating a tuple .. autoclass:: archery.Path :members: endswith, startswith, key, value, contains make_from_path ************** .. automodule:: archery :members: make_from_path mapping_row_iter **************** .. automodule:: archery :members: mapping_row_iter Detailed documentation ====================== Contents: .. toctree:: extra :maxdepth: 1 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`