Changelog and roadmap ===================== Changelog ********* 0.1.6 Tested py3.2 on my freeBSD, it works for me © 0.1.4 closes #6 : trying to install on debian stable is like contemplating a machine frozen 5 years ago. Rerunning tests on debian 0.1.3 blocking install if tests don't pass 0.1.2 py3 compliance 0.1.1 closing `issue5`_ : some performance issue in __iadd__ aka += 0.1.0 initial release Convention: *********** version x.y.z while in beta convention is : - **x** = 0 - **y** = API change - **z** = bugfix and/or improvement and then - **x** = API change - **y** = improvement - **z** = bugfix Roadmap ******* Maybe backporting the search find and replace feature of `VectorDict`_ .. _issue5: .. _issue6: .. _VectorDict: